Lowerhouses CE Primary School

Working and Achieving Together to Enrich Lives and Nurture Bright Futures

Mrs R. Shaw

Lowerhouses Lane, Lowerhouses, Huddersfield, HD5 8JY



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Reception Online Learning

Due to the issues we are currently having with Tapestry, please find the learning for this week below.

Week Beginning 11.01.21

Scroll down the page to see the new activities for each day.  This page will only remain active until the issues with Tapestry are resolved.

Monday - Lesson 1 - Wellbeing - Communication & Language and PSED

PARENTS: Play the voice recording (under the Colour Monster picture) to hear me give the instructions to the children. If it doesn't work for any reason, please see the instructions below to read to your child.

Good Morning Reception Boys and Girls,

This week we starting our learning off by thinking about our feelings. Whilst we are not at school in our classroom we can feel all sorts of emotions and sometimes we are not sure how to deal with them.

Today I'd like to introduce you to another one of my friends, The Colour Monster! Today the Colour Monster is feeling very mixed up! He's yellow, blue, red, black and green all at once. Can you help him?

1. Get your home learning book or paper and some colourful pens.

2. Listen to the story by clicking the link on screen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih0iu80u04Y 

3.. Work through the PowerPoint Presentation with your parents. When it asks you how the question 'What makes you feel happy / sad /angry / calm / afraid?' pause and talk with your parents about these things. DOWNLOAD THIS IN THE DOCUMENTS SECTION at the bottom of these instructions.

4. After speaking with your parents, draw the things that make you happy / sad / angry etc. into your home learning book and label the pictures.

5. Remember, you can always look back at your pictures as a reminder of your feelings and this may help when you are feeling a certain way.

I can't wait to see your work!

Thank you

Mr Lord

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Monday -Lesson 2 - Letters and Sounds


Please watch the videos on YouTube and then complete the tasks below.

This will warm our brains up like we do at the beginning of all of our letters and sounds sessions!

Jolly phonics phase 2 -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74kIrFdOaPw  Jolly phonics phase 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixndECFUbIo  Tricky words - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvMyssfAUx0 

Access the website - https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ 

You will need to press 'Log in' in the top right hand corner and enter the details below:

Username: jan21
Password: home

Once logged in click into the resources section and play: Flashcards Speed Trial > click start > click pick individual graphemes > press ALL, next to sets 1 through to 7 > also click 'ch' from set 8 > then press done and play the game.

Once complete ask the children to write down the sounds: a, d, o, u, b, y, w, ch. Don't show the children the sounds and see if they can write them down.

Can the children think of any words with these initial sounds? If so write them down.

2. Introduce the new sound and digraph 'sh' by watching the video of Geraldine the Giraffe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nx2Tf9TE1bc 

3. Once you have learnt about the new sound and digraph 'sh', revisit the website - https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ 

Make sure you are still logged in and click into the resources section and play these games in turn:
a.) Pick a Picture - Click Phase 3 - Sets 6 and 7 - Choose picture to match the word - Children to sound talk the words. CHALLENGE = click on Phase 3 digraphs for an extra reading challenge.

b.) Buried Treasure - click the number 3 or phase 3 and select +sh

c). Complete the 'sh' sheet attached.

d.) Sentence Substitution - click the number 3 or phase 3 and select the sentence 'The sheep are in the shed.' The children then have to substitute words in and out of the sentence but it must still make sense. It will help to write these sentences down in their home learning book or onto some paper.


Thank You

Mr Lord

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Monday - Lesson 3 - Big Maths

Please watch the video for today's maths lesson. Remember to have your home learning book or some paper and pens ready, as you might need to write something down.

When you have explored the concept of halving through the video, take a look at the "Bees in the Garden halving sheet" attached in the documents section of this activity. If you can print this great, if not use your home learning book to draw a simple representation e.g. two circles to halve the objects.

Here is an extra challenge for the day, when you have watched the video:

Click the link to visit a game called 'Hit the Button' - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button. 

Click on the halves icon and initially click on halves to 10 for the children to understand the game. It is a race against the clock to develop fluency with double facts. This game is very tricky and if it is overwhelming for the children then please stop.

I hope you have lots of fun.

Thank You

Mr Lord

Tuesday - Lesson 1 - Literacy

Good Morning Reception,

I really hope you get to see the video lesson today as it's all about a character you've been introduced to before, Elmer!

This time he is in the snow and feeling a little mischievous.

Watch the video and complete the activity discussed in your home school book, or on the sheet attached below.

Thank You

Mr Lord

 Winter Sentences.pngDownload
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Tuesday - Lesson 2 - PE - Superheroes

Today we are carrying on with our Superheroes PE lessons.

Firstly, a recap of last week's activities - Please see picture attached or download the document at the end of these instructions for further guidance:

1. Warm up - "Superheroes need to be..."
This warm up will help the children understand the types of things Superheroes can do! Your child will move around a space and wait for tour commands. You then need to shout out "Superheroes need to be able to..." followed by a verb related to Superheroes e.g. fly, sprint, jump, hop etc.

2. Recap Game - The Laser Room
The first game in this series of lessons see's our Superheroes stuck inside a room full of laser sensors! They need to avoid setting off the lasers to escape! There are different types of movements to evade different types of lasers. Place teddy bears for example around the space you are using, to avoid these lasers the children must jump over them! (2 feet together, knees bent). Once this skill develops, introduce different items / objects. To avoid these objects they must hop over them, for example! Continue to challenge and develop with other movements if your superhero has mastered the skill. PROGRESSION: Time the children for one minute & ask them to count how many items they can jump/hop over in one minute.


Jewel Drop Dodge: Nasty Nick the villain has accidentally dropped some of the Queen’s jewels onto the floor! It is our Superheroes job to try and pick them up! Leave the items from the previous activity on the floor (these now will take the role of the crown jewels). One at a time your child must run out and pick up an item (which is a crown jewel). But it’s not that easy! The adult will take the role of the villain and throw a soft ball at the superheroes as they run out. If the ball hits them they must return empty handed! Can you retrieve all of the jewels in one minute?

Keep up the hard work superheroes! You can do it!

Thank You

Mr Lord

 PE - Superhero Lesson 2 Guide.pngDownload
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Tuesday - Lesson 3 - Big Maths

Please watch the video attached and complete the activities discussed.

The Numicon plates are attached as a Powerpoint so they can be used to help you learn the halving facts. They are moveable so you can place them on top of one another just like in the video.

Keep up the hard work.

Well done.

Mr Lord

 Numicon shapes.pptDownload
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Wednesday - Lesson 1 - Understanding The World

This activity is part science and part art!
(Understanding the World: The World and Expressive Arts and Design: Exploring Media and Materials).

You will need:
An ice cube tray and freezer space
Small safe bits and bobs that will fit into an ice cube tray compartment (e.g. bits of Lego, twigs, small leaf, bits of paper or string)
Food colouring (optional)

PARENTS: This is lesson one today as you will need to use your freezer. You may want to do all three parts in one go and re-visit the activity later on in the day. This activity will allow your children to explore the concept of what happens to water when it turns to ice and the reverse effects when it melts. This is a really good time to have fun and simply chat with your child about what they notice and maybe even why they think something is happening.

Try these different things to do with ice cubes:

1) With your child, fill the ice cube tray with water. Talk about the water – runny, clear, dripping, wet, liquid. Open the freezer for a moment and look at some of the things in there. What does your child notice? Are the things cold, hard, frosty? Put the ice cube tray in the freezer. What does your child think will happen to the water in the tray? How long do they think it will take for the water to freeze? You can check together every so often and talk about the changes happening to the water. Once completely frozen, take the tray out and empty the ice cubes onto a plate. Notice things together: what’s happened to the water? What do the ice cubes feel like? Your child might notice that they stick together. Leave the ice cubes on the plate and notice what happens to them. Use lots of language (frozen, ice, cold, hard, solid, melt, slippery).

2) Collect some small, safe things that will fit into the ice cube tray compartments. It might be different coloured Lego bricks, some twigs that stick out of each compartment, leaves, a little stone, bits of string. Your child can put one in each compartment, and then together fill the sections with water. Put the tray in the freezer. Do the same thinking and noticing together as in number (1) above. When the water is frozen, take out the tray and tip out the ice cubes. What has happened? Explore together – can you pick a cube up by the twig that sticks out? Can you see the Lego brick/leaf? Can you make a little ice tower with them, or arrange them in a pattern (be careful they are not so cold that they hurt little fingers)? How will you get the things out of the ice cube? Leave the ice cubes and watch what happens.

3) If you have some food colouring, together put a little in a jug of water. What happens to the water? Pour this into the ice cube tray compartments. Use the same thinking and noticing together as in number (1) above. Put the ice cube tray in the freezer and wait. When the water is frozen, tip out the ice cubes onto a plate. What has happened? What happens when you leave the cubes? You could try using the coloured cubes to make marks on some paper or card.

Try timing how long it takes for the ice cubes to melt. Does it take more or less time for a plain ice cube or one with a Lego brick in it? Why does the ice cube melt? Can you speed this up? – your child could suggest putting it in the sun or by a warm radiator. What else melts – snow, ice cream?

Thank You

Mr Lord

Wednesday - Lesson 2 - Letters and Sounds

Please watch the videos on YouTube and then complete the tasks below. This will warm our brains up like we do at the beginning of all of our letters and sounds sessions!

Jolly phonics phase 2 -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74kIrFdOaPw  Jolly phonics phase 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixndECFUbIo  Tricky words - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvMyssfAUx0 

1. Access the website - https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ 

'Log in' in the top right hand corner and enter the details below:

Username: jan21
Password: home

Once logged in click into the resources section and play: Flashcards Speed Trial > click start > click pick individual graphemes > press ALL, next to sets 1 through to 7 > also click 'ch' and 'sh' from set 8 > then press done. The children can select a colour for the car, track type etc and then press go to start the game.

Once complete ask the children to write down the sounds: t, b, l, i, x, z, ch, sh. Don't show the children the sounds and see if they can write them down.

Can the children think of any words with these initial sounds? If so write them down.

1. Watch my video to introduce the new sound 'th'

2. Introduce the new sound and digraph 'th' by watching the video of Geraldine the Giraffe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6U354eD-hgQ 

3. Once you have learnt about the new sound and digraph 'th', revisit the website - https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ 

Make sure you are still logged in and click into the resources section and play these games in turn:

a.) Picnic on Pluto - click the number 3 or phase 3 and select +th

Finally complete the attached 'th' sheet and then use the 'ch, sh and th' sheet to distinguish between these sounds, ensuring your child is clear on the initial sound they hear at the beginning of the word.

Extra Challenge - Think of a sentence using the words you have seen on the screen with the sound 'sh' in them. Then write the sentence down. Remember to count the words in the sentence and check what you have written by reading it back.

Thank You

Mr Lord

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Wednesday - Lesson 3 - Big Maths

Please watch the video for today's lesson.

Once complete download your chilli challenges in the documents section.

I have also put some pictures of the fruit, and the parrots from the PowerPoint, in the documents section for you to use as extra stimulus for your child(ren). You can use these to engage the children in halving amounts practically or use anything available to you in your house.

Thank You

Mr Lord

 Chilli Challenge 1.pngDownload
 Chilli Challenge 2.pngDownload
 Chilli Challenge 3.pngDownload
 Fruit Cut-Outs.pdfDownload
 Parrot Cut-Outs.pdfDownload
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